.... I definitely have the best job in the world. In this one session, I held a crying baby and made her smile, played football with a 2 year old, sailed on a ship with a 4 year old where we not only fought pirates, looked for treasure, but also saw 'whales'. My day could've been way worse! :) So, thank you to my little friends for making me take time out to climb on your playset and just be a kid again with you, even for just a few minutes. You have no idea how much I needed it that morning. :)
Here are some of my favorites. :)
1) Love chubby babies!! Especially the dimples on her elbows!

2) We have almost an identical picture of her big brother holding his feet at her age. If you don't have kids yet, you may not appreciate this, but seriously, when babies find their toes... the entertainment is endless!! :)

3) This is the 2 year old, possibly more shy??, big brother who was less than thrilled with my camera. BUT... wait.... I think I made a breakthrough. :) I love the feeling in his hands... not sure, kinda reserved. Maybe it is just me!? :)

4) Big brother showing me his ROCKSTAR climbing moves. This child has the MOST vivid imagination I have ever seen. (thus the pirates, whales, and treasure....)

5) Told you I made some progress... little brother was all smiles as long as we were playing. :) He is a wee bit of a tease too, I might add.

6) I would take the picture, and THEN he'd smile. So so SO funny. To him. :)

7) Do you kind of want to tickle her toes??

8) I believe this was part of a very very intellectual conversation about worms VS. snakes. Isn't he such a beautiful child?

9) And a very very intense child. Which I adore.

10) And are you kidding me? EVERY mommy in the world should have an image like this with her babies!

11) This momma is one of the sweetest girls I know, and I am SO happy that you got your GIRL!:)

12) I canNOT resist a happy baby. Impossible. I wanted to bring her home with me.

13) She was still trying to figure me out here. Love those baby blue eyes!

14) He is also trying to figure me out.... and being a bit mischievous while doing it.

Thanks again for a super fun session! :)
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