Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A New Hair Cut | Indianapolis Children's Photographer

So.... my 4 year old had her first "major" haircut a couple weeks ago.  She's had the normal trims and such, but this is a BIG deal.  I admit, when we entered the salon, I did not intend to have it cut quite this short.  Once the stylist made the first cut, my heart broke.   But when she was done cutting, and Carlie started flipping her hair around like she was a 'big deal', I was happy with the result..... EXCEPT.... that she looks SO grown up.  Where has my baby gone?

So, like any good photographer would do, I took her outside to snap some shots.  Now if I were REALLY good, I would have thought to take a 'before' picture, but remember, I didn't MEAN to have it cut this dramatic. :) oops.

1) This is HER idea of a 'beautiful' picture.  Um.... probably won't go on my wall, but I can appreciate the energy.  The girl is C.R.A.Z.Y.   Who knew a haircut would give her so much sass!?? 

2) I convinced her to do a 'normal' picture.  Yeah, I like this one better.  In fact, I'm blowing it up big.  I like the wind catching her hair. I like the confidence in her chin.  Ok, who am I kidding? I just love HER!
3)  OF COURSE she has to show off. Naturally. :)   Guys will not appreciate this, but if you are a girl, and you've ever cut your hair drastically, you canNOT tell me that you haven't done this exact thing.  It just feels liberating. :)
4) She is a girl of many expressions.  She is growing up too fast and I'm not sure what to do about it.  I know cutting her hair did not help.  My bad. :)


Rachel said...

Love it! And oh. my. gosh. she looks SO much like you, especially in that last one!!

Mary Morrow said...

downright GORGEOUS!
love her :).