Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thankful Thursday | Indianapolis Children's Photographer

What a week! Here we go....

1) I am thankful for some sweet times with my little boy who is 8 and is growing up way too fast. He is at such a tender age.... big and tough, but still needs his mom. sigh...

2) I am thankful for a productive week. Finishing up big projects from 2008 felt awesome.

3) I am thankful for a husband who cleans up the dishes for me without me asking him too. Love you, babe!

4) I am thankful for a programmable coffee maker. (yes, I know, I mentioned coffee last week!)

5) I am thankful for honesty and good friends, and all the people who just GET me and don't judge. :)

Have a wonderful evening. :)

1 comment:

Mary Morrow said...

loved drooling over your recent sessions.
you are such an inspiration!

and i love this new thankful list you've started!

miss you!